About Localisation
Localisation enables you to develop the closest possible connection with your target reader or customer through your website copy, marketing materials, product user guides and advertising campaigns.
What we offer
We tailor both the language and the descriptions of your product and service to your target audience so that every detail is easily understood by your customers. This can involve using natural phrases, referring to local concepts or geography, making sure the material updates specifications to those appropriate for the region (think electrical voltages, currencies or imperial/metric measurements) or simply that customers in the new region have a way of contacting you locally. For more details, read our top tips on localisation here ».
Who localisation is for
Localisation is for marketing teams in the manufacturing, energy, tourism or retail sectors.
How it works
- Tell us your target market(s).
- Check your brand name or slogan with us to make sure it sounds positive in your new market.
- Run through any changes in product specifications with us.
- Run through any changes in service details with us.
- We deliver your updated materials with the language adapted to the new region.
Languages we translate
If you can’t see the language you need above, get in touch and we can help.
- English
- Spanish
- French
- Hungarian
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Arabic
- Italian
- Ukrainian
- Japanese
- Thai
- Nepali
Why Choose DeScribe Language Services?
Qualified, accredited and hand-picked linguists.
Personalised project management from start to finish that fits your requirements.
We handle all the language logistics so you can get the best from your participants.
Innovative, reverse-language revision process resulting in superior quality translations.
Thorough quality control in accordance with ISO standards for translation.